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5 Reasons Why Direct-To-Consumer (D2C) Digital Businesses Will Soon Take-Off

By April 22, 2020September 13th, 2021No Comments

Nearly two weeks since many of us started working from home after the coronavirus or COVID-19 became a reality in the world with an increasing number of cases being reported on a daily basis.

Everything Has Changed. Change Is The Only Constant.

We are all taking extreme measures to avoid exposure to the coronavirus by limiting our movements and becoming adept at regularly washing our hands with soap and water, as well as sanitizing them every chance we get. No one is taking chances. We are seeing a scenario where ‘social distancing’ and ‘staying at home’ has become part of the new normal as we become digitally proficient in all aspects of our lives.

We are safely using digital services to cater to more or less all our needs whether it’s closing a business deal, educating our kids on zoom, ordering our groceries from Naivas or our next fix of Netflix. We have all become part of digital nation-building using bits and bytes.

5 Reasons Why Digital Businesses Will Soon Take-Off

Small and large businesses that depend on traditional retail channels to reach customers are currently struggling due to the coronavirus pandemic and unless they adapt to the new market reality. D2C offers an alternative way of sustaining and growing their businesses as consumer behavior evolves in-line with a post-coronavirus reality.

Firstly, the consumer can acquire the product without the additional costs loaded on to accommodate an intermediary in the form of an online or offline retailer. This completely destroys the notion that you need to go to a supermarket or mall when the products can be delivered directly to you from the source. It also means that the manufacturer can retain higher earnings if they have an efficient and cost-effective supply chain.

The second thing is that consumer behavior is rapidly changing in our new reality triggered by the coronavirus. This means that people who traditionally would have preferred buying products in person in a shop or the mall would now rather do so online. This means that they will look for brands they know, trust and love and if they happen to be sold online by the manufacturer they will buy them there instead.

The third thing is that building a D2C business via a mobile app and/or a website with e-commerce integration is no longer as hard as it used to be. There are many digital agencies, digital designers and application developers in Kenya who can do it for even the smallest businesses for a reasonable investment.

The fourth thing is that since everyone is now online, all the time, consuming digital content and going about their digital lifestyles, they are more receptive and available to digital advertising and social media content that is aligned to their needs.

The fifth thing is that D2C is infinitely much easier to do these days than it was just a few years ago when the logistical aspects of getting products from the manufacturer to the consumer made it costly and inefficient.

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